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2 Translation results for tab in Spanish

noun | verb

tab noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
lengüeta (de un sobre, una caja, etc.), etiqueta (de ropa); cuenta

Example sentences of
tab noun

  • Insert the tab into this slot to close the box.
  • a notebook with index tabs
  • The tab on the zipper is broken.
  • He put the drinks on his tab.
  • He ran up a $200 bar tab.

Detailed synonyms for tab noun

See: Price

tab verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
tabbed, has tabbed, is tabbing, tabs

Example sentences of
tab verb

  • After you type your name in the first box, you can move to the next box by tabbing.
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Reverse translation for tab

lengüeta  (de un sobre, una caja, etc.) - tongue (of a shoe), tab, flap, reed (of a musical instrument), barb, point 
etiqueta  (de ropa) - etiquette, tag, label 
cuenta  - calculation, count, account, check, bill 
tabular  - to tabulate